Sunday, December 13, 2009


I didn't really understand the true meaning of love until I had this little angel boy!

He makes me SOOOO happy. I am the luckiest mom in the world.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Re-cap

Daron, Teague, and I had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving. Justin, my older brother, his wife Erin, and their darling little girl Rilan all make the trek out here from California. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED having them in my home.
Thanksgiving was so nice because it was low key, casual, and SOOO good! (I did it ALL myself) Erin and I decided to go out early on Black Friday to see what all the hype was about. Holy cow is all I can say. I am not quite sure if I ever want to do that again. Teague and Rilan both enjoyed the Light Parade, even if it was windy and freezing! We went to Park City one day, Justin said he could live there....totally fine with me! We also went on a one horse carriage ride at Salem Pond. (If you haven't done it, do it....well worth the money)
All in all, it was a great weekend. I wish they lived closer because I miss them. Rilan is the cutest little girl I have ever seen, so dang polite and just a little chatter box. I LOVE HER! Come back soon Schuda clan, we loved having you!

Here are a few pictures from their stay!
Justin and Rilan!

Me and baby Teague at the light parade.
The gang, minus Daron!
Love her!!!

Just a couple weeks late!

My baby boy is 6 months old!!!! I know, I know, I can't believe it either. It has been the best 6 months of my life.
Teague now:
  • has 2 teeth
  • is sitting up by himself
  • scoots all over the place
  • is eating stage 2 baby food
  • LOVES biter biscuits
  • sticks his tongue out and blows
  • waves his arms around like a mad man when he is excited
  • still LOVES nursing more than anything
  • loves to watch the dogs play
  • weighs 21 pounds (well that was 2 1/2 weeks ago)-96%
  • is 28 1/2 inches long-97%
  • actually starting to grow some more hair
  • makes his mom and dad the most proud, happy parents!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Busy or Life???

So I have totally fallen off the blog wagon! I don't know if I am really, truly busy or life has just happened. I think it's just life, but really I feel like a chicken with my head cut off most of the time. After work all I want to do is play with and love on Teague:) Speaking of Teague, he is 6 months old TODAY!!!! I will post about that soon. I love my baby boy more than I ever thought I could. I love my husband more and more everyday, even if I am complaining about him sometimes :) I am so excited to see my mom and Shabob tomorrow and so stoked to have my brother, his wife, and daughter over for Thanksgiving.
A REAL post to come!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yes, here is my little guy feeding himself....ok well attempting to. I was at work and Daron was feeding him but Teague would get so mad if Daron took the spoon away, so here you go! LOVE HIM!

Enjoy Daron's short film!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What a GRIP!

I cut my hair thinking Teague wouldn't pull it because it was short....boy was I wrong! Here he is showing daddy what a strong grip he has....


Rice cereal! Dr. Miller told us to start feeding Teague rice cereal. He LOVES it. He is getting better and better at eating and I can't wait to start giving him fruits and vegetables.

We were feeding him at first in the Bumbo (yes, its pink...we borrowed it from Daron's boss) and then we got him his very own highchair. He is excited about that :)

The TV....

is daddy's babysitter :) Go figure...


I seriously can't believe that my little guy is already 4 months old. Time has flown by. I love this little guy more and more every single day. He is so much fun. We went and visited Dr. Miller for his wellness check-up and I was so excited to see how much he weighed and how long he was. I wasn't excited for his shots, but to my surprise, Teague did REALLY well. Not a peep out of him after the first shot and then he cried just a little bit after his second shot. What a little stud!!! So, Teague weighs 19 pounds (98%) and is 26.5 inches long (92%). He is one BIG boy!
Teague still loves to play on his belly, loves to chew on anything and everything ( I think he is teething), still loves his paci but will also use his thumb or fingers if it isn't available, LOVES LOVES LOVES all kids, his reflection and Cookie and Paisley, I seriously could go on and on. We love Teague more than we thought we could!

Teague's Favorite Position.....

in his bouncer!
Seriously, look at those legs! Don't you just want to nibble on them? I do:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Look what we bought :)

Daron and I decided to get rid of our camper...

And buy this one....

Haha, ok, well not really, but we thought this was sooo cool. We saw it in Hatch and asked the people who owned it if we could take a look inside. This is what we saw...

It even had a bathroom! Anyway, it was cool.

Hatch, UT

A couple weeks ago, Daron, Teague, and I drove to Page, AZ to drop off a boat. We drove through a cute little town called Hatch. We decided that we wanted to go stay in Hatch for the weekend and go to Bryce and see whatever else there was to see. We went down with Daron's grandparents and had a great time. Teague was such a trooper. He was in his carseat quite a bit because we did a lot of sightseeing in the truck.
Bryce Canyon was gorgeous. I really enjoyed it and want to go back and actually hike. We saw lots of deer and antelope. The weather was gorgeous!

Teague was happy to be here!

The views were just gorgeous!

We had a great weekend and can't wait to go back to our little piece of Heaven on Earth!!

3 is a GREAT number!

Yes, this post is a little overdue, but better late than never. On August 20th, Teague was 3 months old and on September 1st, Daron and I had been married 3 years.

I love this man! Here he is sooo excited to be dressed up to go into the operating room when I was going to have Teague. I am so glad that I am going to be with him for all eternity. He is the hardest working man I have ever met. He is really easy going and is trying to teach me to be that way too. He can always make me laugh, even when I don't want to. He has been so understanding and patient with me when I have cried for the last 3 weeks about having to work and not being with Teague 24/7. He is a wonderful husband and a wonderful daddy. I am so glad Teague has such a good example. I love you Bucket!!!!!

I can't even believe this little boy is 3 months old (well almost 4 months now!!), time has totally flew by. He has been such a blessing into our lives. He is the sweetest little baby I have ever met. He is so easy going and happy. He loves his hands, lying on his tummy, standing up on your lap or any other hard surface, watching the dogs play, watching little kids play, TALKING, reading books, and chewing on his blankets and plastic rings. He has changed so much in the last 2 months, its unbelievable. He is a BIG boy! (That might be an understatement:)) He is rolling over and is about ready to get his driver's license :) I love him so much and still can't believe he is mine!!! (Ok Daron, ours!) Happy 3 month birthday baby boy!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I'm soooo SAD....

to leave this cute boy tomorrow. I have loved every minute of the last 3 months. Teague is such a happy, sweet, loving baby. He brings so much joy and happiness into our home. I am so grateful for him and the mom that he has made me into.
I have to go back to work tomorrow and I am dying. I am so sad that I won't get to spend all day with my little lover boy anymore. I wish in the worst way that I could stay home. I am thinking of every possible thing I can do, so that I don't have to go back to work next year. I never imagined that I would want to be a stay at home mom but this little boy has changed me. I want nothing more than to be a mom ALL DAY, EVERYDAY! I know Teague will be in good hands while I am at work and that gives me comfort, but I still wish it was me.
Baby Teague, I am going to miss you terribly. I LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Butt Massage!

So...I tried to upload a video that has Teague laughing at Daron....SOOOO dang cute, I can't even stand it, BUT it won't work for me....... So, I needed to post something!
Here is Teague after his nightly bath, getting all lotioned up. He LOVES getting a butt massage and of course I love giving him one! He is really strong and always hold his head up to look around while getting a massage. I love this little boy so much!!!!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Teague and I flew to California on Saturday morning so that we could be at Rilan's 2nd birthday party. Rilan knew about her new cousin and was so excited to meet him. She was so darn cute with Teague. She loved him.
On Sunday, my dad and step mom Diana, threw Teague a welcome party with my dad's side of the family. It was a really nice afternoon. I loved seeing my aunts and my cousins. I never really realize how much I miss my extended family until I am with them. Teague made out with some great gifts. Thanks to Dad and Diana for putting that on for us! And thank you everyone for coming!
Monday and Tuesday we just hung out with family and friends. I wish we could have stayed longer but I had a long to-do list that my mom was coming back to Utah to help me with.
We drove to Spanish Fork on Wednesday. It took us 12 hours with the little guy. Normally it takes about 9. He was such a good little traveler and Nomee rewarded him with lots of clothes when we stopped at the outlets!!!!
Teague didn't sleep well at all that night...I swear he was up every hour....BUT last night, he slept 9 HOURS!!!! Yes, you read that right, 9 hours......Oh I hope that stays the norm!!!!
Here are just a few recent pictures.............

This was Teague's outfit for the rodeo....cutest John Deere boots!

My niece Rilan on her 2nd birthday!


This is the first picture I have taken of us camping. Teague has gone camping about 4 times now and started when he was only 2 weeks old. He loves camping, probably because he gets held ALL the time. Here we are up at Sheep Creek. We had a great time just relaxing and hanging out with Daron's family. I love it up there because the dogs get to run around and have fun and I just get to chill out. WE LOVE CAMPING!!!

Grandpa, Grandma, Me, Teague, Kirk, Marla, Holly (dog), Kristy, Richard, Cody
Paisley (dog), Daron, Cookie (dog), Daisy (dog), and Landon

Sunday, July 19, 2009

2 Months.......... ALREADY!!!!

Our sweet, loving, ADORABLE, little boy is now 2 months old. I seriously can't even believe it. It took FOREVER for him to get here (it seemed) and now he is growing WAY too fast. Time is flying. Teague is HUGE and I love him. His rolls ALL over his little body are just adorable. He is such a sweet, happy, cuddly little boy and he loves his mom and dad. He has started to smile a ton. He loves laying on the ground, rolling (with help) from his belly to his back. When he is on his belly, his little legs can't move fast enough. He will lift his head for a while and look around, but then he gets tired. He loves his bath. He no longer sits in the net in the bath, he is all the way in and he loves it. He splashes the whole time. I can't believe this little angel is ALL OURS. I don't know what we did to deserve him but I am glad that he is ours. We love our little Teague!!!!! Oh ya.. STATS: Teague now weighs 14 pounds 12 ounces and is 24 1/4 inches long..... and you thought I was lying when I said he is HUGE!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

We LOVE our BOB!!!!

My mom's best friend Sharon (AKA Shabob or Bob, my second mom) came in to town on Monday all the way from California JUST to babysit Teague. I called her a few weeks in advance to ask if she would like to babysit Teague while I went to my PESTL class from 8am to 4pm everyday for a week. She, of course, was more than willing!
Teague loved hanging out with his Bob! They played and talked all day long....and of course he took his little naps. Bob said she swears his hair grew an inch while she was in town and he wants to crawl already!!!! Bob was in heaven, I think, because she was able to love, hug, and kiss on him ALL DAY long!
We are so grateful that Bob came into town to watch our little guy. We didn't feel worried AT ALL that he was home with her, I love that I felt so comfortable leaving my little guy with someone. We are so lucky to have her in our lives. We love our Bob!!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bath Time!!!

Teague HATED getting baths at first. He really hated the sponge baths, but even after he moved into his bath, he wasn't thrilled to get bathed. For the last couple weeks, he has really begun to LOVE getting bathed. He always hangs his legs over the side of the net to dangle in the water. I love to bathe him every night before bed because he is so calm and I can tell he really loves it, plus he is relaxed and ready to eat and go to bed afterward.

Oh Cookie!

So, the other night we took Cookie and Paisley to the river to go swimming. It's our nightly routine because they LOVE to swim and chase rocks in the river. After we took them to the river, we locked them in the laundry room and garage so that they could dry off before coming in the house. I heard some crying, so asked Daron to go check on them and make sure that they were both ok. Paisley was at the door wanting to come in and Cookie was found like this......

She was obviously trying to tell Daron that
she wanted to go for a ride on the 4-wheeler.
She is too funny! She loves riding on the wheeler
with Daron. She always sits right there when
she is riding. I just love this funny girl!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Like I said......He is GROWING like a weed!!!!

Smiling at his mom! He LOVES me! How freakin'
cute is that smile, seriously?????

Looking like a sweet little angel in his swing (which
is also known as the 7th wonder of the world!!!)

The First Few Weeks

My favorite picture!!!! Like father, like son:)
Sleeping, as usual, in his Paul Frank onesie!
Baby Teague when he was just a few days old.

Friday, June 26, 2009

"Holy Cow....That's a boat load!!!!"

Was what I heard from Teague's pediatrician at his 2 week visit about his weight gain. He weighed 8 pounds when he was born and at two weeks weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces! I really do produce straight cream. He is a healthy little boy....thank goodness!

Friday, May 29, 2009

He has ARRIVED!!!

Teague Joseph Hughes finally made his debut on May 20th at 2:00pm. He still didn't want to come and my body didn't want to let him go, so I had a c-section. I was really upset after the doctor's office because I really didn't want to have a c-section.
We went to the hospital at 9:00am and were supposed to be in the OR at 11:30am. We were put off for 2 hours because Dr. Nance had an emergency in Payson. I got my epidural at about 1:00pm and was whisked to the OR at about 1:40pm.
What a cool experience!!!! I was awake for everything, was not in pain, and waited anxiously to hear his cry. He came out screaming.....I cried! He definitely was not wanting to come out! That first cry/scream was the best sound I had ever heard in my whole life. It was BEAUTIFUL!
Teague went to get cleaned off with Daron and then Daron brought him over so I could see him. He was just gorgeous. I couldn't believe that he was here and healthy. WHAT A MIRACLE!
After I took a quick look, he was taken to the nursery to get his first bath, while I was getting all sewed and cleaned up. I had to go back to labor and delivery for about an hour and finally was taken down to mother and baby to see my little boy.
He is such a sweet little boy. He doesn't cry, very content, very good eater and pooper, extremely cute (and gets cuter everyday), and loves his mom and dad! I couldn't ask for a better first baby!
We definitely have been blessed with this sweet spirit. I am so thankful that he is mine!

Monday, March 2, 2009


So...I am really wanting to get into this blogging thing but I just haven't had the time nor the energy to sit down and do anything with it...... I still don't have pictures to put up, but I am definitely going to try since I know in about 10 weeks, I really won't have time or energy to try and learn how to blog.

It has been a while since I last posted. Nothing really is new in our lives except for learning that I probably don't have just one mouse in my house, I might have between 6 and 10!!!! How SICK is that????? I am seriously disgusted. I want to move:( Or at least get rid of them. If you know of any tricks, let us know. We finally caught one....only 9 more to go:(