Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yes, here is my little guy feeding himself....ok well attempting to. I was at work and Daron was feeding him but Teague would get so mad if Daron took the spoon away, so here you go! LOVE HIM!

Enjoy Daron's short film!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What a GRIP!

I cut my hair thinking Teague wouldn't pull it because it was short....boy was I wrong! Here he is showing daddy what a strong grip he has....


Rice cereal! Dr. Miller told us to start feeding Teague rice cereal. He LOVES it. He is getting better and better at eating and I can't wait to start giving him fruits and vegetables.

We were feeding him at first in the Bumbo (yes, its pink...we borrowed it from Daron's boss) and then we got him his very own highchair. He is excited about that :)

The TV....

is daddy's babysitter :) Go figure...


I seriously can't believe that my little guy is already 4 months old. Time has flown by. I love this little guy more and more every single day. He is so much fun. We went and visited Dr. Miller for his wellness check-up and I was so excited to see how much he weighed and how long he was. I wasn't excited for his shots, but to my surprise, Teague did REALLY well. Not a peep out of him after the first shot and then he cried just a little bit after his second shot. What a little stud!!! So, Teague weighs 19 pounds (98%) and is 26.5 inches long (92%). He is one BIG boy!
Teague still loves to play on his belly, loves to chew on anything and everything ( I think he is teething), still loves his paci but will also use his thumb or fingers if it isn't available, LOVES LOVES LOVES all kids, his reflection and Cookie and Paisley, I seriously could go on and on. We love Teague more than we thought we could!

Teague's Favorite Position.....

in his bouncer!
Seriously, look at those legs! Don't you just want to nibble on them? I do:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Look what we bought :)

Daron and I decided to get rid of our camper...

And buy this one....

Haha, ok, well not really, but we thought this was sooo cool. We saw it in Hatch and asked the people who owned it if we could take a look inside. This is what we saw...

It even had a bathroom! Anyway, it was cool.

Hatch, UT

A couple weeks ago, Daron, Teague, and I drove to Page, AZ to drop off a boat. We drove through a cute little town called Hatch. We decided that we wanted to go stay in Hatch for the weekend and go to Bryce and see whatever else there was to see. We went down with Daron's grandparents and had a great time. Teague was such a trooper. He was in his carseat quite a bit because we did a lot of sightseeing in the truck.
Bryce Canyon was gorgeous. I really enjoyed it and want to go back and actually hike. We saw lots of deer and antelope. The weather was gorgeous!

Teague was happy to be here!

The views were just gorgeous!

We had a great weekend and can't wait to go back to our little piece of Heaven on Earth!!

3 is a GREAT number!

Yes, this post is a little overdue, but better late than never. On August 20th, Teague was 3 months old and on September 1st, Daron and I had been married 3 years.

I love this man! Here he is sooo excited to be dressed up to go into the operating room when I was going to have Teague. I am so glad that I am going to be with him for all eternity. He is the hardest working man I have ever met. He is really easy going and is trying to teach me to be that way too. He can always make me laugh, even when I don't want to. He has been so understanding and patient with me when I have cried for the last 3 weeks about having to work and not being with Teague 24/7. He is a wonderful husband and a wonderful daddy. I am so glad Teague has such a good example. I love you Bucket!!!!!

I can't even believe this little boy is 3 months old (well almost 4 months now!!), time has totally flew by. He has been such a blessing into our lives. He is the sweetest little baby I have ever met. He is so easy going and happy. He loves his hands, lying on his tummy, standing up on your lap or any other hard surface, watching the dogs play, watching little kids play, TALKING, reading books, and chewing on his blankets and plastic rings. He has changed so much in the last 2 months, its unbelievable. He is a BIG boy! (That might be an understatement:)) He is rolling over and is about ready to get his driver's license :) I love him so much and still can't believe he is mine!!! (Ok Daron, ours!) Happy 3 month birthday baby boy!